Sugarcane yield spatial variability and site-specific fertilizer needs

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A. Cabrera


Spatial variability of sugarcane yields and
agronomic and economic impacts caused by fertilizing with a
single nitrogen rate of 90 kg.ha-1 were measured in a selected
area from a sugarcane production field planted with first ratoon
of C13877 variety. The area had 52 80-m-long furrows separated
1.60 m, which was divided in plots of four 5-m-long furrows,
then 208 plots were obtained. Manual and green harvest was
carried out according to technical patterns. Stalks were weighed
with a 500-kg-capacity dynamometer. Results suited SIG Ilwis
database. Sugarcane yields ranged from 40 to more than 110 t.ha-1,
and values prevailed between 60 and 80 t.ha-1. There was a
notable southwest-northeaster area where the lowest yields
were between 40 and 60 t.ha-1. According to site-specific
fertilization five different rates were required, ranging between
70 and 110 kg.ha-1. With the single nitrogen rate only 51 % of
the area was appropriately fertilized; it also affected N
consumption index and the cost of fertilization was
8.40 pesos.ha-1 higher than if this would have been carried
out as site-specific management.

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How to Cite
Cabrera, A. (2013). Sugarcane yield spatial variability and site-specific fertilizer needs. Cultivos Tropicales, 23(1), 57–60. Retrieved from
Original Article