Green manures: An alternative for the economy of nitrogen in potato cultivation. II. The effect of green manure-nitrogen dose interaction

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Margarita García


With the objective of quantifying the contribution of N in fertilizer units of the green manure Canavalia ensiformis in rotation with potato, a field experiment was carried out on a Red Ferralitic soil from Havana in the 1992-1995 period. Treatments consisted of a factorial combination of the use or non use of green manures with five doses of N (0.40, 80, 120 and 160 kg.ha-1), arranged in the field according to a split plot design and five replicates. Results showed positive responses of potato to N application, green manure incorporation and the integration of both alternatives. The response magnitude to the application of several doses of N depended on the use or non use of green manure. In this sense, in 1992-1993, with the use of canavalia, maximum yields of 33 t.ha-1 were recorded by only applying 53 kg.ha-1 N (32 % of the maximum dose); in 1994-1995, on the other hand, maximum yields (29 t.ha-1) were reached when applying 67 kg.ha-1 N (50 % of the maximum dose) and the use of canavalia. By using green manure alone, potato yields were equivalent to 80 kg.ha-1 N. Without green manures the response to nitrogen fertilization was lineal, optimum yields (34.8 t.ha-1) being in 1992-1993 with the application of 160 kg.ha-1 N, these being of 130 kg.ha-1 in 1994-1995.

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How to Cite
García, M. (2013). Green manures: An alternative for the economy of nitrogen in potato cultivation. II. The effect of green manure-nitrogen dose interaction. Cultivos Tropicales, 21(1), 13–19. Retrieved from
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