Searching of a new culture medium for in vitro mycorrhization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets

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Kalyanne Fernández Suárez


The culture medium is the key stone to guarantee
the establishment of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on in
vitro plants, because it includes organisms with different
nutritional requirements. The aim of this investigation was to
develop a culture medium, starting from nutritional
modifications made to MS medium, in order to allow the in
vitro mycorrhization of potato plants with an adequate
nutritional state. Two experiments were carry out using three
culture media (SRM, MS and ½MS), as well as different
nutrients concentrations of MS medium. Potato plantlets, of
seven and ten days old, were inoculated in these media with
Glomus clarum spores in a partially in vitro autotrophic system.
Fungal and potato development were sampled after 20, 30 and
40 days of culture. A differentiated behavior of fungal and
potato growth parameters were observed, depending of the
culture medium used, been the E medium (¼P - ¼N - ¼K respect
to MS) the one where the major values of variables were found.
Not differences between inoculated and controls plantlets were
found during the experiments.

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How to Cite
Fernández Suárez, K. (2013). Searching of a new culture medium for in vitro mycorrhization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets. Cultivos Tropicales, 34(4), 9–19. Retrieved from
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