Web site for determining the needs of seed, grains and vegetables according to a category

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R. Florido


A Web site was made up, with the objective ofguaranteeing the necessary information to create a stable andquality seed flow in crops, by means of using formal and informalproduction and management systems, so that self-sufficiencyis reached in this activity as well as higher work integrationbetween university and research institutions, producers andother local actors. This software gives the user different optionsthrough a single environment, among those standing out howto calculate the area and the necessary seed quantity to sow ina popular council of a municipality, guaranteeing the certifiedseed volumes required for the staples of garden beans, grains,vegetables and fruits. The access to the site can be done inany computer that has the Intranet of INCA. Results show awider knowledge, quick information and error reduction.

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How to Cite
Florido, R. (2012). Web site for determining the needs of seed, grains and vegetables according to a category. Cultivos Tropicales, 31(4), 20–24. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/73
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