In vitro tillering in front of U. scitaminea Sydow filtrates as a criterion for smut resistance of sugarcane varieties

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E. Héctor


The smut resistance trials of new varieties play an essential role in the Cuban sugar cane breeding program. At present, these studies are area, resource and time consuming, and their results depend to a great extent on genotype x environment interaction. In this paper, the results of applying U. scitaminea Sydow culture filtrates to in vitro micropropagated plantlets are reported, as a possible resistance trial to smut under laboratory conditions. The fungus culture filtrate (FCF) provoked significant variations of fresh weight, increase in length and percent of chlorotic area, of the treated seedlings independently of field resistance from plantlet varieties. On the other hand, the decrease of in vitro tillering induced by FCF was directly related to field resistance in the studied genotypes. The measurement of this variable allowed to classify correctly six from the eight varieties studied, which encourages its future application as a criterion for smut resistance.

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How to Cite
Héctor, E. (2013). In vitro tillering in front of U. scitaminea Sydow filtrates as a criterion for smut resistance of sugarcane varieties. Cultivos Tropicales, 21(1), 33–35. Retrieved from
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