Water quality for irrigation of the Naranjo river watershed, municipality Majibacoa, province Las Tunas

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Carlos Balmaseda Espinosa


The water quality is one of the studied elements
when the watershed sustainability is valued. The objective of
this research was to evaluate the water suitability for irrigation
of the Naranjo river watershed. A sampling of six representative
points of the watershed (three surfaces and three grounds)
was carried out. The water quality was defined based on the
guidelines of FAO and other specific indicators for irrigation.
The ground waters are unsuitable for the irrigation of
agricultural crops and the superficial ones have slight
restrictions to moderate. Danger of alkalinization of soils
product of the bicarbonate concentrations exists in the waters.
On the other hand the sodium of the waters can pass to the
soil solution and to substitute to the calcium and the magnesium
causing the degradation of the soils.

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How to Cite
Balmaseda Espinosa, C. (2013). Water quality for irrigation of the Naranjo river watershed, municipality Majibacoa, province Las Tunas. Cultivos Tropicales, 34(4), 68–73. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/733
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