Review New paradigms used to deepen on soil-plant relationship knowledge under tropical conditions

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R. Martínez-Viera


This work presents an outline to demonstrate
the need of creating new paradigmatic bases that allow
developing a more productive agriculture, optimizing soilplant
relationships without affecting the environmental health.
Therefore, it is necessary to make up the new biological and
technical approaches of agricultural sciences with those
coming from social sciences. It is concluded that to develop
a sustainable agriculture, the social, economic and political
demands that enable to create a sustainable society should
be taken into account. Current paradigms leading soil-plant
relationships assume that agroecosystem restrictions can be
removed just by applying different kinds of external inputs;
they are concentrated on soil exogenous processes and leave
behind the endogenous ones, and do not consider plants as
organisms with their own abilities and strategies to grow and
survive in close relationship with effective soil biological
processes. At present, interrelationships existing with the
ecological, socioeconomic and cultural contexts, where
productive processes settle down, are not considered, so it is
wrongly concluded that the knowledge and technologies can
be applied in the same way everywhere. So that to solve the
current serious feeding troubles, a qualitative jump
represented by paradigmatic changes must be made, that
allow to assume new commitments, setting down the
interdisciplinary nature and systemic approach on research,
education, technological transfer and agricultural practice.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Viera, R. (2013). Review New paradigms used to deepen on soil-plant relationship knowledge under tropical conditions. Cultivos Tropicales, 30(4), 5–9. Retrieved from
Original Article