Fruit sunspot performance screening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

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Dagmara Plana


This paper shows sunspot performance in tomato
fruits evaluated for two years. Four tomato (Solanum
lycopersicum) varieties growing under optimal sowing
conditions were studied. Results prove sunspot occurrence
in fruits from tested varieties: symptoms of yellow shoulder
(YS), yellow shoulder disorder under the red skin of the yellow
fruit (YSD) and internal white tissue (IWT). Just a single variety
presented a highly intense and severe YS, Severino Corbarese
with 80,8 %. YSD was the most frequent symptom recorded in
two years, followed by IWT. Global radiation and rainfall were
the unique climatic factors differing within both years. The
occurrence and severity of this disorder was dependent
genotype; however, the interaction with these environmental
factors could trigger its appearance. These results recommend
the need to conduct more detailed genetic studies on the susceptible
or tolerant germplasm, so that to find a clear
explanation of its causes and development.

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How to Cite
Plana, D. (2013). Fruit sunspot performance screening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Cultivos Tropicales, 30(4), 53–56. Retrieved from
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