Critical range of nitrogen and potassium in indicator leaves from the protected tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crop HA-3019 hybrid for two planting seasons

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María I. Hernández


This study was carried out at Liliana Dimitrova
Horticultural Research Institute, with the objective of
proposing critical N and K ranges to protected tomato crop for
its different growth and developing cycle stages. Four N/K
ratios (1:1.5, 1:2.0, 1:2.5 y 1:3.0) were studied at two planting
times, spring-summer (EPV) and winter (EI), on a compacted
Red Ferralitic soil. Treatments started to differentiate after the
third bunch setting (beginning phase III) and up to the end of
planting. Yield per commercial quality category and percentage
of N and K were determined in indicator leaves five times during
cropping cycle, comprising a period from the beginning of
phase III to the end of phase IV (full production). The best
behavior regarding yield structure was obtained with N/K ratios
1:2.0 and 1:2.5 in EPV, whereas 1:2.5 for EI. Leaf N and K
concentrations tend to decrease with crop age, independently
of the treatments and seasons studied; a similar performance
is recorded at the critical nutrient range (RCN). Concerning
90-100 % of top yield, a critical N range was calculated at the
beginning of phase III of 4.71-4.90 % (EPV) and 5.09-5.20 %
(EI), meanwhile at full production values were 2.56-2.84 %
(EPV) and 3.24-3.22 % (EI). RCN for K in phase III ranged
from 4.90 to 4.96 % (EPV) and 4.29-4.35 % (EI), while in
full production they were from 3.34 to 3.47 % (EPV) and
3.69-3.96 % (EI).

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How to Cite
Hernández, M. I. (2013). Critical range of nitrogen and potassium in indicator leaves from the protected tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crop HA-3019 hybrid for two planting seasons. Cultivos Tropicales, 30(4), 79–86. Retrieved from
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