Different crop production destinations in the rural farms from two provinces of Cuba

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Zoila M. Fundora


Small rural farm production in Cuba is determined
by feeding, social and economic factors, which becomes
evident in farmers´ production destiny, depending on the
species involved. This work was aimed at characterizing the
current situation of four target crop production destiny, in 36
rural farms of two provinces of the country, with the objective
of enhancing the understanding of the traditional rural systems
of production and diversity preservation, including seed
systems. The production priority of each of these target crops,
concerning the farms tested in both provinces, is the household
self-consumption for human and animal feeding. In the case of
lima bean, it is not marketed at all. In the case of peppers, the
farmers from Pinar del Río province are characterized by
growing local varieties and, just by chance, they sell cachucha
type if there is a surplus production. In Guantánamo, farmers
have a better market of improved pepper varieties. In those
crops involved to sales, the highest proportions for this aim
are recorded in Guantánamo, especially to the governmental
sector. Anyhow, the sale to private sector, especially of maize,
is an alternative used in both provinces. These selling
alternatives of the traditional cultivars could be definitively a
source of motivation for its preservation in these farms. The
differential prices for traditional cultivars (diversity-rich
products) would also contribute to this genetic pool
preservation for the future.

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How to Cite
Fundora, Z. M. (2012). Different crop production destinations in the rural farms from two provinces of Cuba. Cultivos Tropicales, 31(3), 5–10. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/80
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