Agrobiological characterization of brown soils from Campo Florido region as related to agricultural management changes

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F. Morell


Based on the study of the following soilprofiles:calcaric mollic Cambisol, calcaric vertic Cambisol andochric calcaric lithic Cambisol, under different managements-from permanent and natural conditions until soils with a highdegradation as a result of the anthropic influence on agriculture-, abiological characterization was carried out by measuring theindicators of AMF native spore counting, endophyte weight,visual density, infection percentage and glomalin (GRSP)content. An arrow relationship was observed between soildegradation and edaphic mycorrhizal biodiversity; the highestvalues were recorded in the best preserved soils, with aprogressive decrease towards the most degraded ones due tothe anthropic influence.

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How to Cite
Morell, F. (2012). Agrobiological characterization of brown soils from Campo Florido region as related to agricultural management changes. Cultivos Tropicales, 31(4), 70–75. Retrieved from
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