Characterization of the mycorhizal behavior in Brachiaria decumbens inoculated with Glomus hoi-like

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Bannie Vázquez


The experiment was carried out at the National
Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), with the aim of
characterizing the mycorhizal functioning of Brachiaria
decumbens inoculated with Glomus hoi-like on a sterile
Yellowish Ferralitic soil in two 15-m-long x 1-m-wide seedbeds
at 20 cm high. To take samples, seedbeds were subdivided into
three 5-m quadrants and samplings were performed at 30, 60,
90 and 120 days after seeding. Within those quadrants, plants
were extracted from a 25-cm x 25-cm area to evaluate root and
aerial dry weights in two depths (0-10 and 10-20 cm), as well as
fungal colonization and visual density. Also, the number of
AMF spores was determined by taking two samples made up
of three and five sub-samples in each quadrant in both depths
studied. No statistical differences were recorded in the
mycorhizal colonization and visual density percentages
between the two depths, both variables increased in time and
the highest mycorhizal colonization values were observed at
90 days. Spore production started to increase with time and
there were not any significant differences between taking three
and five sub-samples per compound sample at 30 and 60 days;
however, at 90 and 120 days, there were statistical differences,
since the sample composed by five sub-samples showed the
highest spore numbers in both cases. The spore number was
significantly correlated with mycorhizal colonization;
nevertheless, these two variables were not correlated with root
dry weight.

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How to Cite
Vázquez, B. (2012). Characterization of the mycorhizal behavior in Brachiaria decumbens inoculated with Glomus hoi-like. Cultivos Tropicales, 31(3), 16–26. Retrieved from
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