Review. Thematic Networks of Web 2.0, learning and knowledge communities in support of agricultural research

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Adriana Pérez Gutiérrez


Thematic networks of Web 2.0 are very useful for the training of researchers. Its use means radically changing the usual perspective on how to work and train experts. They represent a new model of professionalism, with its potential and limitations, based on collaboration and teamwork. The website of Thematic Network “Manejo de la Simbiosis Micorrízica en Agrosistemas” was developed and published since 2008 with the aim to create a collaborative framework that foster the management of the information that the members of the network generate and to put it to the service of the scientific community and allows the exchange of knowledge and cooperation as a working method for the emerging future joint activities. The presence of this website on internet publishes and promotes the research carried out by members of this network and main results.

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How to Cite
Pérez Gutiérrez, A. (2015). Review. Thematic Networks of Web 2.0, learning and knowledge communities in support of agricultural research. Cultivos Tropicales, 36(1), 36–43. Retrieved from
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