Review. Crop simulation models. Characteristics and uses

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Naivy Hernández


Simulation models constitute a fundamental tool to understand the complexity characterizing ecological and environmental systems, since they are the only one available to translate a hypothesis collection about ecological processes when representing how the ecosystem fully works.
They enable to analyze technological, economic and environmental impacts, evaluate productive strategies and predict crop yield. They are generally approached to a better understanding of problems and to know the reality investigated in advance. A good model is able to reveal
interactions among different components which were not evident when each process was studied separately, also it will allow performing trials that could not be carried out in the real system. This research work deals with the characteristics and use of simulation models, some of the main classifications and examples of studies conducted with these models in Cuba, as well as the peculiar traits of DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) model. Therefore, this review is intended to present the characteristics and significance of crop simulation models, as an essential tool in the decision-taking processes, to be further applied as a first approach of the productive capacity under different edaphoclimatic conditions of Cuba, as well as to search on certain plant processes, that will need a better interpretation of its interaction against other productive, input and environmental factors.

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How to Cite
Hernández, N. (2015). Review. Crop simulation models. Characteristics and uses. Cultivos Tropicales, 30(1), 73–92. Retrieved from
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