Published: 2021-02-09

Influence of biostimulants on growth and yield of short cycle crops in Manabí, Ecuador

Eduardo Héctor-Ardisana, Antonio Torres-García, Osvaldo Fosado-Téllez, Soraya Peñarrieta-Bravo, Jorge Solórzano-Bravo, Vicente Jarre-Mendoza, Fabián Medranda-Vera, José Montoya-Bazán


Structural typology of farms in usufruct in Báguanos, Holguín, Cuba

Niurlys Rodríguez-González, Jacques Marzin, Teodoro López-Betancourt, Orestes Cruz-La Paz, Mirna Dayanis Martínez-Domínguez


Control of fruit cracking in Clementino mandarin plants

Marco Daniel Chabbal, Maria de las Mercedes Yfran-Elvira, Laura Itatí Giménez, Gloria Cristina Martínez, Lidia Agostina Llarens-Beyer, Víctor Antonio Rodríguez Antonio Rodríguez


New biostimulant and its influence on the production of common beans

Miriam de la C. Núñez-Vázquez, Camila Delgado-Acosta, Indira López-Padrón, Lisbel Martínez-González, Yanelis Reyes-Guerrero, Geydi Pérez-Domínguez, Daimi Brito-Sánchez
