Review. Plant growth-promoting bacteria applied to sugarcane crop. Its prospect use in Cuba

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Doris Torriente


Sugarcane production in Cuba has undergone
considerable damages from the financial and climatologic point
of view; thus, it is necessary to establish sustainable
production systems promoting to increase agricultural yields
and protect the environment. Among these practices, the use
of biofertilizers constitutes an alternative to improve current
productions with the lowest environmental damage. In our
country, the application of plant growth promoting bacteria
(PGPB) to sugarcane has been studied since 1990´s; however,
it has not been potentially used as a nutritional alternative of
crop culture. This work was aimed to emphasize the
significance of including PGPB as a biofertilizer to a sustainable
sugarcane production, besides showing the most significant
results and performing a prospect analysis of its use in
sugarcane production.

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How to Cite
Torriente, D. (2012). Review. Plant growth-promoting bacteria applied to sugarcane crop. Its prospect use in Cuba. Cultivos Tropicales, 31(1), 19–26. Retrieved from
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