Selecting rice mutants with good agronomic performance under conditions of low water supplies

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María C. González Cepero


The present work is part of the researches that
are carried out in the Regional Project of the International
Organization of Atomic Energy (IAEA) “Mutation Breeding
of Alimentary Cultivations in Latin America” where Cuba
participates. The aim of this project is to obtain new rice
varieties tolerant to drought using nuclear techniques, for
that which is necessary to determine indicators for early
selection of tolerant genotypes and to identify somaclones
and/or mutants of good behavior under low water supply.
For this study were used, 13 mutants obtained in the National
Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA) as well as the
rice varieties Amistad-82 and J-104. The response to the
hydric stress under field conditions was determined, using
irrigation during the first 45 days, interrupting later for the
plant cycle, were determined: I) the height of the plant, II)
weigh of 1000 grains, III) length of panicle, IV) number
of full grains, V) vain grains, VI) number of panicle for lineal
meter and VII) yield for square meter. Likewise in vitro
the answers to the drought with a concentration of 5 g L-1
of PEG-6000 to simulate the hydric stress and the Relative
Tolerance Index of root and of height were evaluated. Some
indicators for early selection of tolerant genotypes starting
from the existent correlation among the characters evaluated
in the field in vivo and in vitro were also determined. The
INCA genotypes LP-10 and 8552 showed a better behavior
under conditions of low supplies of water and INCA LP
16 genotypes and mutant 8553 were the most susceptible
because they could not panicular under the same conditions.

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How to Cite
González Cepero, M. C. (2016). Selecting rice mutants with good agronomic performance under conditions of low water supplies. Cultivos Tropicales, 37(1), 102–109. Retrieved from
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