The context and its effect on the outputs of an project agricultural innovation

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Rodobaldo Ortiz Pérez


Within the developing framework of the
international project “Dissemination of Participatory Plant
Breeding in Cuba, a program to strengthen Local Agricultural
Innovation (LAIP) Phase III” and as part of the monitoring
and evaluative tools, a methodology was prepared to assess the
influence of local context on project impacts. The methodology
and results from its performance in 2013 were appraised in 42
municipalities where the project was implemented, evaluating
socioeconomic context effects and the measures for reducing
any negative impact to the utmost, prioritizing positive effects
to make planned impacts effective. Although such contextual
elements are beyond the project action, its knowledge enables to
read the sustainability of actions within short, medium and longterm periods. In turn, results offer the possibility of preparing a coherent plan of actions that ensures its resilience and identifies strategies according to local government priorities. In all cases, its effect was evaluated by four gradients (no influence, slight influence, medium influence and high influence) in each indicator; regarding the updated economic model of Cuba, the most important indicators chosen by participants were marketing, local market and agro-tourism.

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How to Cite
Ortiz Pérez, R. (2016). The context and its effect on the outputs of an project agricultural innovation. Cultivos Tropicales, 37(2), 141–148. Retrieved from
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