The humic acids from vermicompost protect rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants against a posterior hidric stress

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Fernando Guridi Izquierdo
Andrés Calderín García
Ricardo L. Louro Berbara
Mayelín Rosquete Bassó
Dariellys Martínez-Balmori


The humic acids (HA) from two different vermicompost were extracted, isolated, purified and partially characterized, to evaluate their possible protection in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants against an hydric stress. Differences in elemental composition, as the coagulation threshold value and E4/E6 relation in their UV-Vis spectra were found. Two concentrations (40 and 60 mg L-1) of both HA were included in the nutritive solutions for rice plants in controlled conditions. It was verified that the previous treatment with the HA during six days stimulated the root biomass production. Later the HA were excluded and was an hydric deficit induced by adding polietilenglicol (PEG-6000) in the initially treated plants and in a group of those used as control. After 96 hours of this final condition the net radical biomass, the photosynthetic pigments content and the root membrane permeability were evaluated. In the plants previously treated with HA (at the concentration 60 mg HA L-1), the root membrane permeability, the net radical biomass production and the “a” chlorophyll content had no differences when compared with those without stress. It was concluded that the previous treatment with the HA protected the rice plants against a posterior hydric stress that was induced.

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How to Cite
Guridi Izquierdo, F., Calderín García, A., Louro Berbara, R. L., Rosquete Bassó, M., & Martínez-Balmori, D. (2017). The humic acids from vermicompost protect rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants against a posterior hidric stress. Cultivos Tropicales, 38(2), 53–60. Retrieved from
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