Measurements of index of greenery related to foliar area and corn hybrid productivity

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Miguel A. Castellanos-Reyes
Ramiro Valdés-Carmenate
Aldo López-Gómez
Fernando Guridi-Izquierdo


In human and animal feeding, maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most used, also in the production of biofuel, hence its importance at world level. Nitrogen (N) leaf and chlorophyll contents are positively correlated. This reflects the nutritional status of this important nutrient. For this reason, the goal was to measure the greenery index at different physiological times using the portable Minolta® SPAD 502 chlorophyll meter (fast and non-destructive method) and to relate it to the leaf area index and the productivity of a corn hybrid. The factors under study were related to innovative technological aspects for the cultivation: two fertilizer formulas incorporated in bands parallel to the planting line and three evaluation moments. The variables evaluated were: chlorophyll index, leaf area index and yield. It was found that the indices of greenery and leaf area did not show significant differences with the fertilizer formulations used and it was established in relation to the measurements of greenery index at the beginning of flowering and the production of corn grain at 125 days after emergence (DAE). The innovative contributions allowed to project a training system or social actors, contributing to be more effective the decision making in the productive process.

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How to Cite
Castellanos-Reyes, M. A., Valdés-Carmenate, R., López-Gómez, A., & Guridi-Izquierdo, F. (2017). Measurements of index of greenery related to foliar area and corn hybrid productivity. Cultivos Tropicales, 38(3), 112–116. Retrieved from
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