'Fredy', a new garlic genotype introduced in Cuba

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Esperanza E. Mendoza-Ramírez
Humberto Izquierdo-Oviedo
Idalmis de la C. Hernández-Escobar
Obel Báez-Rabelo Báez-Rabelo


The elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum L.) was introduced in Cuba, but it is not known who brought it. It is adapted to production and climatic conditions in the western part of the country, between October and February. With low inputs, it is resistant to diseases and reaches yields higher than 24.89 t ha-1 when planting is done mechanized and the "seed" is planted at 0.70 m of row, two rows and 0.07 m between plants, with which it reached between 15.10-15.0 t ha-1. This new garlic species has good post-harvest quality and adaptability in the areas studied.

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How to Cite
Mendoza-Ramírez, E. E., Izquierdo-Oviedo, H., Hernández-Escobar, I. de la C., & Báez-Rabelo, O. B.-R. (2022). ’Fredy’, a new garlic genotype introduced in Cuba. Cultivos Tropicales, 42(4 s1), e11. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/1628
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