Application of two strains of Trichoderma asperellum S. as a growth stimulant in rice cultivation

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Michel Ruiz-Sánchez
Anayza Echeverría-Hernández
Yaumara Muñoz-Hernández
Alexeis Y. Martínez-Robaina
Ariel Cruz-Triana


The research was conducted in the low rainfall periods of 2016 and 2017 at the Scientific-Technological Base Unit "Los Palacios", with the aim of evaluating the effect of two T. asperellum strains application on the physiology and agricultural yield in the rice cultivar INCA LP-5. Inoculation was performed prior to sowing by imbibing the seeds in a biopreparation of T. asperellum (strains Ta.13 and Ta.78), at a dose of 5 x 106 conidia x g seed-1 and drying in the shade for 24 h. A Randomized Block Experimental Design was followed, with four replicates and a control with untreated seed was used. At 120 days after emergence, plant height, the percentage of Trichoderma spp. colonized in the soil, aerial dry mass, root length and root dry mass, as well as agricultural yield and its components were evaluated. It was obtained that the application of T. asperellum (Ta.13 and Ta.78) strains, provoked a tendency to the increase in the Trichoderma spp. presence in the Gleysol Nodular ferruginous ferruginous petroferric soil in rice cultivation conditions with irrigation. The growth and rice plant developments were stimulated, as well as the agricultural yield between 20 and 30 %, with respect to the treatment without Trichoderma. Strain Ta.78 was the one that promoted best results.

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How to Cite
Ruiz-Sánchez, M., Echeverría-Hernández, A., Muñoz-Hernández, Y., Martínez-Robaina, A. Y., & Cruz-Triana, A. (2022). Application of two strains of Trichoderma asperellum S. as a growth stimulant in rice cultivation. Cultivos Tropicales, 43(1), e10. Retrieved from
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