Seeding density, morpho-physiological, and productive behavior of INIAP H-603 hybrid corn

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Rolando León-Aguilar
Benny Avellán-Cedeño
Antonio Torres-García
Eduardo Héctor-Ardisana
Osvaldo Fosado-Téllez


Corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important food crops, both for human and animal consumption. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of planting density on the morpho-physiological and productive behavior of INIAP H-603 hybrid maize, in summer with localized irrigation. A bifactorial design (distances between rows and plants) was used, in completely randomized blocks, with three levels per factor, nine treatments and three replications. The densities studied ranged from 33 000 to 71 000 plants ha-1. The morpho-physiological variables determined were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf length, female inflorescence height and total chlorophyll content. The productive variables measured were length, diameter, number of rows, number of grains and average mass of grains per cob and estimated yield per hectare. Analysis of variance and comparison with Fisher's LSD test showed significant differences in the interaction for relative chlorophyll content and number of rows per cob. Yield showed significant differences for the effect of the factors distance between rows and between plants, but not for their interaction. The highest yield (10.72 t ha-1) was obtained at the density of 71 000 plants ha-1; the treatment with 33 000 plants ha-1 had the highest grain mass (209.54 g cob -1) and the lowest yield (5.69 t ha-1).

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How to Cite
León-Aguilar, R., Avellán-Cedeño, B., Torres-García, A., Héctor-Ardisana, E., & Fosado-Téllez, O. (2022). Seeding density, morpho-physiological, and productive behavior of INIAP H-603 hybrid corn. Cultivos Tropicales, 43(4), Retrieved from
Original Article


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