CIGB-CC6: a short-season soybean genotype resistance to the herbicide glyphosate

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Gil A. Enriquez-Obregón
Rodobaldo Ortiz-Pérez
Alberto Martinez-Ramírez
Leyenis Garcia-Santos
Celia Delgado-Abad
Natacha Soto-Pérez
Silde Rabadan-Arango
Leonardo Carrillo-Díaz
Alejandro Morales-Basulto
Camilo Ferrero-García
Alejandro Mederos-Ramírez
Abel Hernández-Velázquez


CIGB-CC6 is a transgenic soybean genotype, obtained by hybridization and subsequent inbreeding and selection up to F8 generation. It presents resistance to commercial herbicide Glyphosate and a short period of 90 days in the spring-summer season. Descriptors related to plant architecture and the first pod insertion height allows the mechanized harvest of the grain. Characteristics of this genotype constitute an alternative for direct seeding and its cultivation is recommended for production in the spring-summer season in rotation with corn, rice and potatoes.

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How to Cite
Enriquez-Obregón, G. A., Ortiz-Pérez, R., Martinez-Ramírez, A., Garcia-Santos, L., Delgado-Abad, C., Soto-Pérez, N., Rabadan-Arango, S., Carrillo-Díaz, L., Morales-Basulto, A., Ferrero-García, C., Mederos-Ramírez, A., & Hernández-Velázquez, A. (2023). CIGB-CC6: a short-season soybean genotype resistance to the herbicide glyphosate. Cultivos Tropicales, 44(3), Retrieved from
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