Genotypic diversity of Cuban rice cultivars obtained by INCA in the 1984-2020 period

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Noraida de J. Pérez-León
Jossué Arteche Díaz
María C. González-Cepero
Elizabeth Cristo-Valdés
Alba Álvarez González


Genetic diversity can be seen as a source of options to grow diverse and nutritious foods with fewer resources, adapted to more hostile environments and making crops less susceptible to pests. In this sense, the present work was carried out with the objective of determining the genetic diversity, based on their genealogy, of the 20 rice cultivars released by the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Cuba in the 1984-2020 period. Through the CROPDIVER V. 01.20.19 program, the combined genealogical tree of all cultivars was elaborated, their parentage coefficients, the percentage of participation and the contribution of each ancestor in the cultivars obtained were calculated, in addition the dendrogram was constructed using parentage coefficient as genetic similarity estimate. The results showed that the genealogical tree, of the 20 cultivars obtained, is made up of 28 Ancestors and 65 cultivars or improved lines, the highest level of contribution falls on four ancestors and 12 contribute the genes present in the cytoplasm, through the maternal way. Although, as a whole, the obtained germplasm is consanguineous, the grouping carried out differentiated three groups of cultivars that allow establishing genetic similarities between them and making recommendations for their use in Cuban rice production.

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How to Cite
Pérez-León, N. de J., Arteche Díaz, J., González-Cepero, M. C., Cristo-Valdés, E., & Álvarez González, A. (2024). Genotypic diversity of Cuban rice cultivars obtained by INCA in the 1984-2020 period. Cultivos Tropicales, 45(3), Retrieved from
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