Biochemical-molecular study of genetic stability in tomato plants derived from seeds treated with low X ray doses

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R. Ramírez


For the extensive agricultural exploitation of
vegetable radiostimulation, it is indispensable to study the
genetic stability of treated varieties, having in mind X ray
potentialities of inducing not only physiological but genetic
changes as well. Therefore, biochemical and molecular markers
were employed in tomato plants derived from irradiated seeds
at low doses of X rays. For the biochemical analysis,
peroxidases, polyphenoloxidases and dismutase superoxide
isoenzymes were determined whereas the Random
Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method based on
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used for the molecular
analysis. When comparing the electrophoretic patterns from
the control and irradiated treatments applied to the three
enzymatic systems, there were not appreciable variations on
the number of bands and their intensities, indicating the little
variability induced in these systems by the low X ray doses.
Also, from the molecular viewpoint, electrophoretic patterns
showed a clear amplification of DNA by generating a total of
155 bands in all varieties studied. This molecular marker showed
a high monomorphism independently of the treatments applied,
with values ranging between 86 and 97 %, indicating that
irradiation at low doses did not induce an important genetic
variability and confirming its possible practical usefulness for
stimulating some physiological processes without causing

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How to Cite
Ramírez, R. (2012). Biochemical-molecular study of genetic stability in tomato plants derived from seeds treated with low X ray doses. Cultivos Tropicales, 29(3), 39–46. Retrieved from
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