Estimation of crop residue production in sugarcane agroecosystems

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E. Toledo


In 1996, a trial was initiated in Chiapas, Mexico,
with the objective to estimate the amount of crop residues
remaining in the field after sugarcane harvest. An established
plantation was used to design three strip blocks with a 3250 m2-
area each. On that date, one block was fully burnt and the
whole residual biomass was preserved in situ; the other block
continued being burnt just at preharvest whereas the third
one was always burnt previous to and 15 days after harvest.
Sugarcane variety Mex 69-290 was studied with 12-month-old
ratoons harvested in December. Concerning the non-burnt
block, mean dry sugarcane trash yield (DSCTY) was calculated
and a linear regression established between cane yield (CY)
and DSCTY. Green cane trash blanket did not affect the
subsequent ratoon yields, so that CY and DSCTY increased
from 16 to 30 Mg.ha-1, with a mean value of 23.71±3.01 Mg.ha-1
that represented 17.1 % CY. DSCTY/CY relationship was not
modified in time, reaching a mean value of 171 kg DSCTY per
each CY Mg. For Mex 69-290 variety, DSCTY could be
estimated, when sugarcane was burnt, from CY and the mean
value of 0.171 Mg DSCTY.Mg cane-1 and the regression

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How to Cite
Toledo, E. (2012). Estimation of crop residue production in sugarcane agroecosystems. Cultivos Tropicales, 29(3), 17–21. Retrieved from
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