Understanding the informal maize seed system of Cuba. Varietal selection of maize (Zea mays, Lin) by farmers from La Palma, Pinar del Río

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E. M. Ferro


. This research work was aimed at understanding
the principles regulating farmers�?? maize varietal selection and
adoption in poorly-benefited agricultural systems by the for-
mal seed system. The experiment was conducted in a grower�??s
farm from La Palma, Pinar del Río. Free selection of 55 maize
genotypes from six provinces of the country, both of the for-
mal and informal sectors, was available. Then, 70 kg.ha
of a
mixture of 20 % NPK and 80 % organic manure were fertilized.
Irrigation was applied twice, so that the field remained without
weed. 83 farmers participating in the selection process were
surveyed, in order to gather some information about their most
important selection criteria and, at the same time, evaluate
20 descriptors, such as yield and its components, tolerance to
weevil and plant height. As a complement of all data recorded,
individual interviews were performed to farm selectors, to
deepen on their knowledge background about the selection
process. For data processing, the analysis of proportions,
Kendall�??s non-parametric correlation and graph
representations were used. Farmers select their own varieties
by �??practical correlation�??, with the help of qualitative characters
as the biological markers of their main objective and insect
resistance after harvest. The �??ear shape�?? character is the most
important selection criteria in this maize production system.

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How to Cite
Ferro, E. M. (2012). Understanding the informal maize seed system of Cuba. Varietal selection of maize (Zea mays, Lin) by farmers from La Palma, Pinar del Río. Cultivos Tropicales, 29(1), 61–68. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/268
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