Short communication Effect of an oligogalacturonide mixture on Anthurium andreanum growth and development

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Loracnis Hernández


Cut flowers play an important role in the world
market; as a result of its great demand, it may constitute a
considerable income source. Tropical flowers form part of this
group and one of the most outstanding is Anthurium
andreanum (anturio). Due to its slow crop growth, a desirable
and stable production can not be reached for people�??s
consumption; thus, this research work was conducted at the
National Institute of Agricultural Sciences under controlled
conditions, with the aim of studying the effect of an
oligogalacturonide mixture on some growth variables. Foliar
sprayings were applied at the rates of 5 and 10 mg.L-1
at a time, besides a non-spray control treatment, evaluating plant height
for its dynamics analysis every month, from the two up to the
15 months after transplanting; leaves and flowers coming out
at six, eight and 10 months after applying the product, which
had a significant response regarding leaves rather than flowers
coming out; this latter was not enhanced by the biostimulant
applied. Oligogalacturonide mixture brought top plant height
17 days forward. Results suggest deepening on rates, times
and amount of applications, to achieve nice effects on flowers
coming out. It is also recommended to study climatic influence
on this crop performance in Cuba.

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How to Cite
Hernández, L. (2012). Short communication Effect of an oligogalacturonide mixture on Anthurium andreanum growth and development. Cultivos Tropicales, 28(4), 83–86. Retrieved from
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