Global changes of Lixiviated Red Ferralitic soils (euthric rodic Nitisols) from Havana province

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A. Hernández


The present concepts of Global Soil Change
(GSC) are exposed in this work, and applied to Rhodic Eutrhic
Nitisols, represented in Havana province. Based on the study
of 10 soil profiles (FRL), with different land uses (from soils
under permanent grove of ficus, soils under fruit groves for 30
years, soils previously cultivated and now with grass, and
soils under intensive culture for more than 30 years), changes
appearing in the properties of this type of soil were determined,
mainly its color, structure, amount of organic matter, dispersal
factor, bulk density, total porosity and exchangeable cations.
At the same time, one hypothesis is presented about the
process that is happening in the last 15-20 years, with pH
increase in these soils, in intensive culture areas of Havana
province. By this hypothesis, it was determined that pH
increase is due to soil functioning, its intensive culture with
irrigation application and the climatic change that is happening
in Cuba in the last 50 years, due mainly to the increase of 0.60C
in the mean annual temperature and 1.60C in the daily minimum

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How to Cite
Hernández, A. (2013). Global changes of Lixiviated Red Ferralitic soils (euthric rodic Nitisols) from Havana province. Cultivos Tropicales, 27(2), 41–50. Retrieved from
Original Article