Effect of using Azolla on crop yields under organoponic conditions

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R. Castro


In the period between 1996 and 2001, two
experiments were accomplished in INRE organophonics, Los
Palacios, Pinar del Río province, to evaluate the influence of
Azolla and residual effect on the yield and evolution of bed
substrate of organophonics with periodical applications of
this fern; therefore, lettuce and chive were employed. In the
lettuce crop, the effect of six doses Azolla on yield during six
consecutive sowings was evaluated, comparing them with the
check; results indicate that the application of Azolla increases
yields and its components, obtaining the greatest values in
fresh and dried matters with greater applications than 1.5 kg.m-2,
when the substrate is rich in organic matter, and with greater
applications than 2 kg.m-2 of Azolla when the substrate is
impoverished. Furthermore, the use of Azolla reduces the
organic matter content decrease, therefore, lettuce and chive

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How to Cite
Castro, R. (2013). Effect of using Azolla on crop yields under organoponic conditions. Cultivos Tropicales, 27(1), 5–9. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/391
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