New isolates of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus in economically important crops for Cuba B. Dibut, Marisel Ortega, R. Martínez, L. Fey

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B. Dibut


In recent years, soil microbiologists have studied
endophytic microorganisms associated with higher plants with
benefits over the crops. This report offers the results
concerning the isolation and distribution of Gluconacetobacter
diazotrophicus in economically important crops for Cuba. The
bacteria was isolated by filtrates and over different vegetal
organ sections laid out on LGI-P culture medium, proving the
growing characteristics after 96 hours of incubation at 32ºC.
Finally, 22 isolates from 10 different plant species were obtained.
Populational dynamic experiments developed under
greenhouse conditions by means of a randomized complete
design allowed to quantify the bacteria in leaves, stems and
roots of maize, sweet potato, cassava, taro and sugarcane with
populations between 1.8 x 102-2.3 x 107 cells per fresh tissue
gram. The highest cell populations were detected in leaves,
followed by stems and finally in roots or tubers. The favorable
response from eight crops to bacterial inoculation, this time
grown in SG culture medium and incubated at 32ºC for 72 h,
enabled to affirm the potentiality this microorganism has as
biofertilizer. Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus appears for
the first time in five plant species that belong to different
botanical families.

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How to Cite
Dibut, B. (2013). New isolates of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus in economically important crops for Cuba B. Dibut, Marisel Ortega, R. Martínez, L. Fey. Cultivos Tropicales, 26(2), 5–10. Retrieved from
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