Presence and use of endophyte microorganisms in plants as a prospect for improving plant production

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B. Dibut


This article offers a new perspective about
endophyte microorganisms associated with important plants
for the economy because their activity increases nitrogen
supplies by diazotofixation or provokes plant growing by the
action of physiologically active substances. Gluconacetobacter
diazotrophicus, Azospirillum sp, and Herbaspirillum sp. were
isolated from arum, yucca, sweet potato, maize, potato and
sugarcane, but only Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus was
studied. Experiments carried out with melon under screening
conditions showed a great stimulating effect on plant height,
stem length and biomass of 41, 67 and 69 % respectively. The
trials with three clones of yucca and potato both under field
conditions also showed a double effect with
Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, where plant height, leaf
number and efficiency per potato plant increased 32, 39 and
25 % respectively, when the bacterium was inoculated,
obtaining high quality tubers. With yucca clones (CMC-40,
CEMSA-785 and INIFAT-2), results were significant in all
evaluated parameters and agricultural efficiency increased until
54 % with bacterization. All information was assessed using
statistical tests like ANOVA, Duncan and Newman Kleus, both
at a significance level of p<0.05.

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How to Cite
Dibut, B. (2013). Presence and use of endophyte microorganisms in plants as a prospect for improving plant production. Cultivos Tropicales, 25(2), 13–17. Retrieved from
Original Article