Effect of the inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi on forest production postures in two types of soils

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Emir Falcón Oconor


It was developed a study about the influence of
two types of micorrizogenos fungus in two types of different
soils in forest species. It was on the nursery of Sempre, from
de Integral Forest Company Guantánamo. The study took place
from January to Mayo 2008 and 2009 in stonemasons of 20 m
of long and 1 m of wide. The seeds of Swietenia mahagoni L.
Jacq. (Caoba del país) and Lysiloma lastisiliquum Benth.
(Soplillo) were seeding on bags of polyethylene in a brown
carbonated and fluvisol soil with a proportion of 5:1 and 7:1 of
soil bovine organic material. The design was completely
randomized and six treatments were done applying 10g of
arbuscular mycorrhizal of the Glomus hoi like and Glomus
intraradices species below the seeds before the seeding. So,
20 plants of each treatment were evaluated and the growth of
each of them was measured too. Besides, the diameter of the
shoot the count of the number of leaves, wide of crown, the
percent of mycorrhizal infection, the visual density and the
mass of the arbuscular endophyte were also evaluated. The
results evidenced a positive answer to the inoculation while
some differences existed with the non inoculated witness. The
combination of the Glomus intraradices + 7:1 with the best
results in the brown soil was well observed. Meanwhile, the
combination Glomus hoi like + 5:1 for the Fluvisol soid showed
the best results.

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How to Cite
Falcón Oconor, E. (2013). Effect of the inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi on forest production postures in two types of soils. Cultivos Tropicales, 34(3), 32–39. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/545
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