Analysis of genotypic stability in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) through Biplot representations

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María E. González


At the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
for five years (1996-2001), data were taken from 12 clones and
three controls (Desirée,Baraka and Red Pontiac) planted in a
randomized block design and four replicates, with the objective
of knowing the potato genotypic stability using Biplot method.
Genotype-environment variance analysis for yield per plant
was performed; the effect of environment replication was
estimated and EMMI model was adjusted by means of residual
matrix of Linear Model interaction. Highly significative
genotype x year interaction was evident. Biplot analysis
permited to identify that 5-340-87 clon was the most stable. It
was verified that technique is useful for potato breeding, since
it allows to know genotype stability according to its approach
to coordinate origin, and the genotypes causing significative

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How to Cite
González, M. E. (2013). Analysis of genotypic stability in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) through Biplot representations. Cultivos Tropicales, 24(1), 81–84. Retrieved from
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