The evaluation of new tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) lines based on producers´ criteria of the methodology used

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C. Moya


This paper shows the results of evaluating 41 tomato genotypes, 36 out of them coming from breeding programs and five are commercial checks. The evaluative methodology deals with comparative trials of yield and development at demonstrative areas in successive years: yield and its main components, vegetative and harvest phases as well as disease occurrence were evaluated. Data from comparative trials were processed through the main components and variance analysis, selecting the best
genotypes for the demonstrative areas, where data were recorded by random sampling and randomized complete variance analysis. Amalia and Mariela were notable since they kept high yields and big fruits as B-2-1 and A-31 lines. Varietal performance in further tests under production conditions have proved the feasibility of this evaluative phase.

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How to Cite
Moya, C. (2013). The evaluation of new tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) lines based on producers´ criteria of the methodology used. Cultivos Tropicales, 21(3), 75–79. Retrieved from
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