Growth and yield of black bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Los Palacios town

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Lázaro A. Maqueira-López
Osmany Rojan-Herrera
Samuel A. Pérez Mesa
Walfredo Torres-de la Noval


In the Technological Unit Scientist of Base belonging to the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Cuba four black bean cultivar were sowed, in three sowing dates with the objective of analyzing the behavior of its growth and yield. The experimental design was at random of blocks with four repetitions and they were evaluated the agricultural yield, number of grains per sheaths, number of grains per plant, number of sheaths per plant, dry mass of the sheaths, dry mass of the grains, dry mass of the air part, dry mass stem and leaves and the crop index. Among the main results it was found that the highest values of Harvest Index generally correspond with higher yields and that CC-25-9 and Cult-156 cultivars are the best performing in the study conditions. In addition, it stresses that the cultivar "Milagro Villareño" due to high harvest index values despite differences in planting dates, showed greater export capacity of photoassimilates per grains; so it is recommended to use as parent in the breeding program of beans.

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How to Cite
Maqueira-López, L. A., Rojan-Herrera, O., Pérez Mesa, S. A., & Torres-de la Noval, W. (2017). Growth and yield of black bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Los Palacios town. Cultivos Tropicales, 38(3), 58–63. Retrieved from
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