Determination of genetic stability in plants of Spanish carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.), micropropagated with Biobras-16

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Yanelis Castilla Valdés


The Spanish carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) is one of the flowers and ornamental plants most requested by the Cuban population. The in vitro propagation of this species with the employment of the analogous of brassinoesteroid Biobras-16, produced in Cuba, allows to obtain a high coefficient of multiplication. However, some of the in vitro culture techniques and some of the bioregulators employed, can introduce alterations in the genetic material, so it turns out necessary to supervise if it kept genetically stable. For these reasons, in the present work we proposed the aim to study the genetic stability with the employment of biochemical markers, of plants of carnation micropropagated with different concentrations of Biobras-16 in substitution of cytoquinin. The vegetal material was obtained from the meristems culture of spanish carnation vitroplants, in medium with Biobras-16 as a substitute of cytoquinin, at the concentrations of 0,1; 0,01 y 0,001 mg.L-1. The plants grown in each of these treatments, three months later were multiplied by cuts during two subcultures, without Biobras-16. For the sample preparation of the isoenzymatic study, it was taken leaves of plants of the different treatments of the meristems culture and the cutting propagations and it was studied the systems Peroxidases, Acid Phosphatases, Malate Dehydrogenases and Esterases. The electrophoresis were made on vertical slab polyacrylamide gels (PAGE). As result, although the Acid Phosphatases isoenzymatic system turned out to be polymorphic, in a general way it is considered that it was kept the genetic stability of the regenerated plants.

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How to Cite
Castilla Valdés, Y. (2013). Determination of genetic stability in plants of Spanish carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.), micropropagated with Biobras-16. Cultivos Tropicales, 35(1), 67–74. Retrieved from
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