Cultivos Tropicales 


The National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), belonging to the Ministry of Higher Education, publishes quarterly the journal "Cultivos Tropicales" (p-ISSN 0258-5936 - e-ISSN 1819-4087) since 1979, with original articles, short communications, reports of presentation of new varieties, reviews and bibliographic reviews, both in Spanish as well as in English, as well as abstracts in both languages, with the results of scientific research in the different specialties of the agricultural branch in which the center works, emphasizing the tropical and subtropical zones.

The table of contents of the journal contains the following specialties: sustainable agriculture, biofertilizers, agricultural biotechnology, abiotic stress, plant physiology and biochemistry, plant breeding, genetics and plant breeding, applied mathematics, plant nutrition, bioactive products, irrigation and drainage. This appears in English and Spanish with the titles of the articles grouped by specialty.

The journal promotes the results of the center's research as well as the postgraduate activity, announcements of courses, masters and doctorates taught at the institution.

It has a cumulative index by title, author and subject, since 1979, which appears in the last issue of each year of the journal with all the articles published in that year.

The journal accepts works with a 60 % bibliographic update. The publication requirements appear in the "Instructions to authors".

This publication has traditionally been exchanged with a considerable number of institutions, which currently number 114 in 37 countries, including Brazil, Colombia, the United States, Great Britain, Honduras, Mexico, Spain, France and Italy.

The journal is considered among the best scientific journals of agricultural profile of the Ministry of Higher Education (MES), Cuba.

Vol. 45 No. 2 (2024): abril-junio

Published: 2024-05-03

Physiological changes in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants with irrigation reduced and foliar applications of PectiMorf®

José M. Dell’Amico-Rodríguez , Lilisbet Guerrero-Domínguez, Donaldo Morales-Guevara, Rodolfo Guillama-Alonso, María C. González-Cepero

Morphological characterization of accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. in the GeneBank of INIFAT

Leixys Rodríguez Rodríguez, Lianne Fernández Granda , María de los Ángeles Torres Mederos

Growth promotion in chard, carrot and radish plants by Pseudoxanthomonas indica named H32

Idania Wong Padilla, Yanara de la Caridad Victoria Portel , Laritza Caridad Dominguez Rabilero , Danalay Somonte Sánchez , Ileana Sánchez Ortiz , Irene Alvarez Lugo , Aylin Nordelo Valdivia , Dulemy Carrazana Granado , Raul González Ríos

Isolation and characterization of rizobia strains from chickpea nodules (Cicer arietinum L.)

Marisel Ortega-García, Yoania Ríos-Rocafull, Bernardo Dibut Álvarez, María Caridad Nápoles García

Review on use of tetrazolium in seed viability and bioregulator in seedling emergence of araçá-boi (Eugenia stipitata McVaugh)

Sonicley da Silva Maia, Oscar José Smiderle , Aline das Graças Souza , Salvador Barros Torres, Clarisse Pereira Benedito

Complex influence of relief on the erosion of Red Ferrallitic soils at a local scale

José Manuel Febles González, José Miguel Febles Díaz, Ana Victoria Maura Santiago, Alfredo Tolón Becerra, Nelson Moura Brasil do Amaral Sobrinho, Everaldo Zonta

Oligosaccharines promote growth and development of elefante garlic (Allium ampeloprassum L.) plants

Esperanza E. Mendoza Ramírez, Miriam de la C. Núñez Vázquez, Obel Báez Rabelo, Idalmis de la C. Hernández Escobar

Nenita LP-25, new rice cultivar (Oryza sativa L.) of short cycle, obtained by hybridizations, for flooded conditions

Sandra H. Díaz-Solis, Rogelio Morejón-Rivera, Noraida Pérez-León

Experiences of the technological management and innovation in Cuban agriculture

Deborah González Viera , Teodoro López Betancourt , Miguel Socorro Quesada

Soil Fertility: Definition and some properties

Adriano Cabrera Rodríguez, Ramón Rivera Espinosa , Alberto Hernández Jiménez , Andy Bernal Fundora

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