Pattern of β-1, 3-glucanase and chitinase activity in the AMF - systemin interaction in tomato. I. Presymbiotic phase

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Blanca M de la Noval-Pons
Ondina León-Díaz
Norma A Martínez-Gallardo
Eduardo Pérez-Ortega
John P Délano-Frier


The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and elicitor have been many used with diverse objectives in modern agriculture. Systemin is a polypeptide hormone with many possibilities like elicitor of answers of defense in Solanaceas. Thus its application with the AMF, would allow increasing the effects in the protection against diverse pathogens. An experiment was made in which the possible participation of the systemin in the establishment of the mycorrhiza and the induction of defense response in pre-symbiotic stages was evaluated. The exogenous application of systemin in the roots produce the local and systemic induction of β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase in early stages. A synergic effect between systemin and AMF (F. mosseae) on the activity of β-1,3-glucanases in root from the first later hour the application was observed. F. mosseae produce the induction to these enzymes in root, at 24 hour the inoculation.

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How to Cite
de la Noval-Pons, B. M., León-Díaz, O., Martínez-Gallardo, N. A., Pérez-Ortega, E., & Délano-Frier, J. P. (2018). Pattern of β-1, 3-glucanase and chitinase activity in the AMF - systemin interaction in tomato. I. Presymbiotic phase. Cultivos Tropicales, 38(4), 84–91. Retrieved from
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