Agricultural transformations and local innovation experiences

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Lucy Martín


Starting from some investigation-transformation
experiences on agricultural systems in Cuba, this paper studies
outstanding areas within a sustainable rural development
conception, such as the strengthening and diversification of
agricultural systems and local economies, actors´ organization
and participation in developing processes that make evident
the movement from an eminently technological approach
towards a more social and integrating proposal. Evidences
emanating from investigation-action within the agricultural
context endorse the benefits and possibility of: a) combining
crop improvement with genetic diversity maintenance;
b) making male or female farmers participate in breeding
activity; c) needing to enlarge varietal selection criteria
beyond the strictly economic ones, d) obtaining benefits from
the double-way learning process and e) widening
sustainability criteria which are not referred to specific
technologies but to particular contexts in which they are
inserted, so potentiating the relationship between agricultural
research and the actual conditions of different productive
systems. Besides, this study shows the need of a greater
presence in the rural development conception designs within
Cuban context, focused on local actors´ self-transforming and
self-developing potentialities, to conform a more endogenous
and sustainable development model.

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How to Cite
Martín, L. (2012). Agricultural transformations and local innovation experiences. Cultivos Tropicales, 30(2), 127–134. Retrieved from
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