Validation of Flor de Jamaica Cuban cultivars in Los Palacios, Cuba

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Noraida de Jesús Pérez-León
Katherin Pita-Pérez
María Caridad González-Cepero


During July and August, Cuban cultivars 'Benito', 'Dogo' and 'Ficaru 90', of Flor de Jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), obtained through a genetic improvement program, with the use of mutation induction by 60Co gamma radiation, developed by the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, were introduced in three localities of Los Palacios municipality. The cultivars evaluated achieved satisfactory results and the interest of producers for their introduction was verified, due to their easy development and great diversity of uses such as the production of soft drinks, wines, jams and flower arrangements, so it is recommended to continue their introduction in other areas and evaluate them at an earlier planting time.

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How to Cite
Pérez-León, N. de J., Pita-Pérez, K., & González-Cepero, M. C. (2022). Validation of Flor de Jamaica Cuban cultivars in Los Palacios, Cuba. Cultivos Tropicales, 42(4), e12. Retrieved from
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