Selection of rhizobia isolates from forage legume�??s nodules Canavalia ensiformis

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Ionel Hernández Forte


The objective of this work was to carry out a
selection of rhizobia isolates from forage legume´s nodules
Canavalia ensiformis according to their characteristics and
potentialities to develop nitrogen-ûxing root nodules in
Macroptilium atropurpureum (siratro), as model plant, so that
they can constitute promissory strains for biofertilizer
elaboration that improve the establishment of the canavalia in
the cattle floors. Twelve rhizobia isolates and two commercial
strains, BR 2001 and BR 2003a were used. The possible
taxonomic distribution of the isolates was determinated
throught the study of their morpho-cultural and physiological
characteristics. In vitro nodulation assays were also performed
in Macroptilium atropurpureum (siratro). Five possible
members of the genera Rhizobium /Sinorhizobium and seven
possible members of genera Bradyrhizobium were identified.
Although the plants inoculated with the commercial strain
BR 2003a presented a bigger number of total nodules and total
effective nodules, the plants inoculated with the isolate CP5
presented a bigger number of nodules in the main root and
those inoculated with CP12 had a bigger number of effective
nodules in this root. The carried out study demonstrates that
isolates of autochthonous rizobia as CP5 and CP12 they could
constitute promissory strains for the biofertilizer elaboration
that improves the establishment of the cultivation of canavalia
in the cattle floors.

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How to Cite
Hernández Forte, I. (2012). Selection of rhizobia isolates from forage legume�??s nodules Canavalia ensiformis. Cultivos Tropicales, 33(3), 27–33. Retrieved from
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