Reference elements of urban agriculture systems in Cuba and Italy for the Central American environment

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Francis Alejandra-Salazar
Laura Elena Suazo-Torres
Marco Antonio Granadino-Urbina
Raymundo Vento-Tielves


Urban agriculture functions as a tool to develop sustainable food systems in cities and their peripheries. The study consisted of a literature review to characterize the experiences of urban agriculture in Cuba and Italy, with the objective of proposing elements that contribute to a model for Central America. The experience of urban agriculture in Cuba has been massive, with broad participation of producers, of an agroecological nature and for the purpose of self-sufficiency and local marketing. Having public policies has favored the success of urban agriculture in Cuba. In Italy the initiative is linked to territorial planning, where spaces for forests and gardens are located where urban agriculture is practiced. The gardens have been promoted as occupational therapies, and promoted mainly by universities and municipalities. Both experiences contain elements that can contribute to the development of urban agriculture in Central America, where there is recurrent food insecurity and the potential to increase urban agriculture initiatives. The characterization included seven dimensions: productive, economic, social, environmental, political, territorial and cultural. The Cuban experience contains close elements that can serve as a reference to experiences in Central America, such as massive production under an agroecological approach, the use of idle lands around cities, the use of local resources, the inclusion of women and youth, the objectives of self-sufficiency and the commercialization of surpluses. The role of the State from institutions such as INIFAT in Cuba and territorial planning initiatives in Italy are aspects to be considered in Central America.

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How to Cite
Alejandra-Salazar, F., Suazo-Torres, L. E., Granadino-Urbina, M. A., & Vento-Tielves, R. (2023). Reference elements of urban agriculture systems in Cuba and Italy for the Central American environment. Cultivos Tropicales, 44(1), Retrieved from
Bibliographic Review


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