Use of QuitoMax® biostimulant for the growth and development of garlic (Allium sativum L.) plants

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Annarellis Alvarez-Pinedo
Reinier O Méndez-Serpa
Dariellys Martínez-Balmori
Iván Castro-Lizazo
†Humberto Izquierdo-Oviedo


The objective of this work was to evaluate the application effect of different concentrations of QuitoMax® in the growth and development of the garlic cultivar "Criollo Víctor". Prior to manual planting in beds, cloves were soaked for 24 hours in solutions with different concentrations of QuitoMax® (1, 5 and 10 mg L-1) and a control that was soaked in water. At 50 days after planting (dap) a foliar application was made with these same concentrations. A randomized block experimental design with four treatments and three replications was used. The indicators of plant height, number of leaves and chlorophyll content were evaluated at 70; 90 and 110 dap. At 120 dap, the neck and equatorial diameters of the bulb, number of clove "seeds", fresh and dry mass of the bulb, as well as agricultural yield were determined. All the concentrations of QuitoMax® stimulated the different variables that were evaluated.

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How to Cite
Alvarez-Pinedo, A., Méndez-Serpa, R. O., Martínez-Balmori, D., Castro-Lizazo, I., & Izquierdo-Oviedo , †Humberto. (2022). Use of QuitoMax® biostimulant for the growth and development of garlic (Allium sativum L.) plants. Cultivos Tropicales, 43(4), Retrieved from
Original Article


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