Participatory varietal selection of chickpea in Los Palacios, Pinar del Río, Cuba

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Sandra H. Díaz-Solís
Rogelio Morejón-Rivera
Anayza Echevarría-Hernández
Rodolfo Castro-Álvarez


The Participatory Selection of Cultivars has been shown to be effective in promoting the participation of different stake holder in the genetic improvement process and to know about the preferences of producers. The aim of the study was to identify cultivars with the greatest acceptance and the agronomic criteria of greatest consideration from participants’ perspective. The participatory selection was carried out at the Agrodiversity Fair in the Scientific and Technological Unit de Base “Los Palacios”, located in the Los Palacios Municipality, Pinar del Río province where growers, technicians and decision-makers of both sexes participated. The effective diversity percentage was determined, cultivars with the greatest acceptance and the most relevant agronomic criteria were identified. Female participation reached 44.8 % and effective diversity was 75 %. DI-77, DN-12 and DI-11 cultivars stood out for their good performance for the locality; the characters with the highest degree of acceptance at the time of selection were number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, grain size and plant erection. Participatory cultivars selection in chickpea could be an excellent methodology to accelerate cultivars adoption, enrich genetic diversity of this crop and increase yields, also allow training, the interaction of various stake holders and promote gender equality.

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How to Cite
Díaz-Solís, S. H., Morejón-Rivera, R., Echevarría-Hernández, A., & Castro-Álvarez, R. (2023). Participatory varietal selection of chickpea in Los Palacios, Pinar del Río, Cuba. Cultivos Tropicales, 44(2), Retrieved from
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