Agronomic and socioeconomic effectiveness of the weed management by mechanical methods at irrigated rice crop

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Deborah González-Viera
Miguel Socorro-Quesada
Teodoro López-Betancourt
José Marcelino Galbán-Méndez


The present work aimed to evaluate the agronomic and socioeconomic effect of different direct seeding methods in combination with weeds management, by mechanical methods, in irrigated rice crop. Therefore, experiments were conducted in conditions of popular rice production in Madruga municipality (Mayabeque province, Cuba) on a Gley Vertic Chromic soil, during May to August. It was used a quasi-experimental design with three treatments and four repetitions, where crop yield was evaluated at 14 % grain humidity and its components. The statistical processing consisted of calculating the means confidence intervals by treatments of the variables evaluated, for a 95 %confidence level. In the economic analysis; the Gross Return, Production Cost of, the Net Return and the Benefit-Cost Ratio were determined. From the social perspective, the results socialization and the feedback were carried out in a participatory workshop with the local innovation actors. The results showed that the T3 treatment (SDM) allowed an increase in crop yield of rice by 21 %, above the Conventional Technology and achieved the best economic results. In the participatory workshop, actors identified the aspects that could influence the adoption of the best technological alternative. It is suggested to deepen the effect of these technological alternatives on growth and development variables of the irrigated rice crop.

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How to Cite
González-Viera, D., Socorro-Quesada, M., López-Betancourt, T., & Galbán-Méndez, J. M. (2023). Agronomic and socioeconomic effectiveness of the weed management by mechanical methods at irrigated rice crop. Cultivos Tropicales, 44(3), Retrieved from
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