Plant response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. LP-7 to the application of different NaCl levels. II. Inorganic and organic ions

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D. Morales


The present study was conducted under
controlled conditions of temperature, humidity and light, with
the aim of determining N+, K+ and total soluble sugar contents
in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants from LP-7 variety exposed to
different NaCl levels. Plants developed in a hydroponic growth
chamber. Evaluations were recorded at the beginning of the
experiment, seven and 14 days after applying treatments and
seven days after its recovery in a nutrient solution without
NaCl. Evaluations consisted of determining Na+, K+ and total
soluble sugar contents. The analysis of those variables
showed differences concerning ion accumulation in all plant
organs, and the tested variety behaved as a Na+ including one
in its root system, which makes it sensitive to high NaCl

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How to Cite
Morales, D. (2012). Plant response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. LP-7 to the application of different NaCl levels. II. Inorganic and organic ions. Cultivos Tropicales, 29(3), 59–62. Retrieved from
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