Biofertilizers and bioactive products, alternatives for maize-tomato association at the early sowing season

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Elein Terry


A field experiment was conducted on a typical
lixiviated Red Ferralitic soil, in 2000 and 2001, with the objective
of studying the agronomic effect of the combined use of
biofertilizers and bioactive products on tomato development,
yield and internal fruit quality. The tomato Amalia�??cv was
cultivated in a nonoptimal period, under a crop association
system. Treatments consisted of coinoculated plants (Glomus
clarum+Azospirillum brasilense) and exogenous aspersion
of Biostan and Biobras-16 as bioactive products, applied at
the beginning of flowering. Results showed a compatible
relationship between microorganisms and bioactive products,
enabling an appropriate plant nutritional balance, as well as a
yield between 26 and 29 t.ha-1, it being higher (12-19 %) than
the production check; on the other hand, the fruits obtained
by these treatments had a better bromatological quality.

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How to Cite
Terry, E. (2013). Biofertilizers and bioactive products, alternatives for maize-tomato association at the early sowing season. Cultivos Tropicales, 27(2), 5–11. Retrieved from
Original Article