Local Innovation Festivals: a place for exchanging, learning,communicating and marketing

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Ania Yong


The development of family orchards in SanAndrés�?? community with the objective of promoting thehandmade production of domestic preserves, it is been of therealization of exchange visits and learning shops among urbanand rural producers. These actions developed during the years2005 and 2006 propitiated the adoption and adaptation ofhorticultural species in the town. At the end of the year 2006,producers and producing of La Palma, Pinar del Río began todemand spaces to show the result of its productions, for whatwas necessary to create spaces so that they exchanged, theylearned and they marketed its products in the community.These spaces were denominated Festivals of LocalInnovation and they have allowed the recognition of the localpotentialities to produce healthy foods by means of friendlytechnologies with the environment where the producer offersthe consumers directly their products and it exchanges directlywith the consumers.Key words: festivals innovation, exchange,learning, communication, commercialization.

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How to Cite
Yong, A. (2012). Local Innovation Festivals: a place for exchanging, learning,communicating and marketing. Cultivos Tropicales, 32(1), 71–66. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/58
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